This is a small dungeon I created that can serve as an intriguing find in any region of your world. I also put together a fun string of encounters you might face while exploring the spaceship.
As the adventurers explore a large, dark cave, the encounter a basilisk in the cave. It's began to nest here recently. They'll have to get passed it to explore the crashed ship.
Inside the spaceship, the outer weapons room door locked, can be unlocked in cockpit.
Door between Weapons room and Cockpit is locked, can be unlocked in cockpit.
All the controls are written in an unknown moon-language.
A Moonish-Elven language translator is in a cabinet in the cockpit.
Most other doors can be opened with a crowbar.
There's a loose floor panel in the leisure room, underneath which can be found loot.
There is a Nothic inside the security room of the ship.
A Spectator lives in the ship, and can be found in the cockpit.
The weapons room has some old missiles in it. There's also gasoline spilled on the floor, making the room highly flammable. If it's ignited, the explores will suffer the equivalent of a fireball spell. (Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.)
There is a dead Drow in the tunnel outside the weapons room with cool loot on him. He was came in the spaceship, and died trying to tunnel out, being crushed by rocks. He has loot.
The Spectator made friends with the Nothic, and they happened upon the spaceship wreckage. The Spectator got excited, and decided to investigate the wreckage. He's been at it for a while now, trying to figure out how the ship works. The drow got scared when he heard the spectator and Nothic enter, and tried to tunnel out.
The Nothics will attack adventurers in a hateful rage (as is their nature). The Spectator would try to reason with them, but if the
adventurers kill the nothics first, the Spectator will kill the adventurers in a fit of rage. The Spectator can have a wacky personality.
There is a diamond worth 200 GP outside the security room.