This dragon lair was a lot of fun to create, because it contains multiple gimmicks that make it much more than a nice cave. This lair would located in a dry area rich in natural crystals.
Many large crystal objects can be found throughout the lair. These crystals have been polished into mirrors that can reflect the blue dragon's lightning breath attack. By aiming its lightning breath carefully, an ancient blue dragon in area 2 could and an attack against an adventurer in area 1, but remember, if the dragon's breath weapon can hit the adventurer by bouncing off the mirror, the adventurer can see the dragon through that mirror.
Area 1 would be a natural entrance to the lair. There are some quicksand pits just at the entrance. They're not a problem for a flying dragon, but could be quite a bit of trouble for unsuspecting treasure hunters, as it can ruin their chance at surprising the dragon in its lair!
Area 2 is an intersection. The path to the right has some strange blue markings on the ground. These markings actually outline an anti-magic field. All of the dragon's abilities are natural, so this will be far more problematic for adventurers if they caught in the area.
Area 3 is where the dragon's minions would stay. There is also a second exit here for emergencies, which would also be a convenient entrance. This entrance also has a quicksand pit around it. The dragons minions can make use of the anti-magic field connecting areas 2 & 3 to their advantage by forcing spellcasters to fight them up close.
Area 4 contains a lodestone. The lodestone is a large magnet. Any creature wearing metal armor that starts its turn within 15 feet of the lodestone must make a strength saving throw with a DC equal to the armor's AC, being pulled 15 feet toward the lodestone on a failed save. Any creature starting its turn within 30 feet of the magnet must make the saving throw with a DC equal to their armor's AC minus 3. If the a creature collides with the lodestone, their movement speed becomes 0. That creature must make a DC 18 strength saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns to escape. (As an option, the lodestone can also pull metal weapons and other objects out of a creature's hands. This effect can be resisted with a successful DC 14 strength saving throw)
Area 5 is the dragon's treasure horde. The dragon keeps all of its treasure atop a large metal disk. If the dragon hits the disk with its lightning breath weapon, all creatures standing on the disk take the full damage from the attack..